Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Friday, November 25, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Working Title

The book I am working on right now is divided into three parts, each with focus and point of view for a single character. The first portion is Diego, the second is Elena, and the third is Frestón. I had not settled on a title for the full work until recently. The working title I have come up with is "A Palimpsest of Time."

You might well ask, what is a palimpsest? It is usually a manuscript that has been altered, with the original text erased to be re-used, but some remnant of the original remains. It is also sometimes used for places or things which have been changed but some measure of their original character is left or visible if you know to look for it. Buildings are particularly notable for these kinds of changes, in addition to manuscripts. For example, the Grand Mosque of Cordoba, the Mezquita, was enlarged several times, and then a Christian church was plunked down in the middle of it. I happened to be visiting at one point during some renovation work that revealed one of the original doorways which had been covered over when the mosque was expanded.

Friday, January 8, 2016

View of the eastern tower block of the Alcazar of Segovia from the Terrazza de Reyes

The Alcazar of Segovia is a remarkable place. The January sun gives it a brilliant appearance without the draining heat of summer.

Tower of Juan IIChamber in the Tower of Juan II looking east

The castle has two tower blocks, one at each end of the castle. In the keep, or the Tower of Juan II, there is a chamber with a high vaulted ceiling. I used this as my inspiration for the council chamber of the Count of Lastora, though I envision the Count's chamber as wide enough to comfortably hold a table and have people sit on either side of it. There is a fireplace in the center of one of the long walls of the chamber with stone benches on either side.

Fireplace in the Tower of Juan IIChamber in the Tower of Juan II looking west